Sponsorship Opportunities

Don’t miss your opportunity to participate in the PAIRS Annual Congress 2025.

It is a pleasure to invite our esteemed company to join the Pan Arab Interventional Radiology Society Annual Congress, PAIRS 2025. No other Endovascular and Interventional Radiology meeting in the Middle East offers the diversity of topics, the range of learning environments, the unparalleled access to expert faculty and leading thinkers in their specialty than the PAIRS Congress.

Building on our successful meeting in 2024, we continue to explore the open-concept venue space combining interactive education session, keynote and plenary talks, live session from esteemed hospital worldwide, hands-on interaction, networking, and exhibition in one room. Our 6000 m2 venue provide exhibitor with an appealing setup showcasing their innovate product line towards more than 3000 delegates from across the world. Upgrade your company present though lunch symposiums, industry workshops, live transmission and learning suites or tag into our branding possibilities ensuring brand exposure throughout the conference. I am excited to attach the sponsorship prospectus and will be looking forward exploring you company present at PAIRS 2025.

For more information and to receive our sponsorship prospectus, do not hesitate to contact us to secure your company’s participation:

Christel Have
Sponsorship Manager
Email: [email protected]
Cell: +971 50 558 2916

PAIRS 2024 Sponsors

The PAIRS Board of Directors would like to express their appreciation to the industry partners who supported PAIRS 2024.